Vintage home decor kitchen and living space

Vintage home decor inspiration, giving your vintage and antique a modern look and feel

Do you ask yourself - how do I incorporate vintage decor into my home? Well, I’ve done some research for you! Check out these interior design inspirations.

The Johnston Font – Iconically LONDON

Edward Johnston created the Johnston Font - a simplistic and minimalist typeface which is iconically 'LONDON'. It was commissioned in 1913, to standardise and…

How did London bus routes get their numbers

As you might expect the origins and evolution of numbering London bus routes is not entirely logical. We explore how this evolved over time.

Bakelite: The Plastic that made History

In the first half of the 20th century Bakelite was used for everything from jewellery, telephones, radios, lamps, clocks, kitchenware, to billiard balls.